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Ahem, excuse my Gaku/Gao Yellow impression a bit, but I'm back with another Top 10. Previously, I got off with Pink, but now I'm gonna tackle my favorite color: Blue. Here we are, you may once again be pissed at my choices.
10. Yukito Sanjou (Abare Blue)
First off, we get to Sentai's most obvious 'Jerk With A Heart Of Gold'. Yukito got a really nasty mouth, but his heart just doesn't match. Even if he mellowed down, it still stuck until the end (he's charging Ryouga with a lot of money for dragging him to the whole Abaranger mess... yeah, you ain't tricking us with that jerkassery, Yukito, we know you're grateful!). His past is pretty fine, having a dad that overshadows him a little bit big. Also another thing I like about him is that he is not afraid to use his chiropractor skills into some dangerous things like breaking bones... a deadly doctor at that! Though I think that being a fellow medical guy, he'd make a good foil to Mikoto, but well that arc are more reserved for Ryouga. But still, for what he is, I do like Yukito a lot to make him on the 10th spot.
9. Shun Namiki (Mega Blue)
And ninth place, we got the Teen genius Shun. While his development mostly come at the beginning, from that sacrificing his dreams for friends, I like it that he sometimes act like a jerk, but still at times find time to have fun rather than being super uptight like Koichirou. While he mostly ignores Miku, when push comes to shove, he shows that he does care, which speaks a lot for him. I think his greatest moment is during the Nejiranger arc, executing that one plan that later T.J in Power Rangers In Space would repeat, about painting the other Megarangers into blue. Well, if you've got the brain, better use it. And that's probably why he's on the 9th spot.
8. Shouji (Tenma Ranger)
Yes, Dairanger is not yet finished in my watch list, but on 40 episodes, I think I can safely say that Shouji got his place at the 8th. He's a delinquent, looks like it and overall a fun boisterous guy to go with. Kinda like how he tricked Ryou into waking up like the Crying Wolf, although that bit him in the ass later. I will also admit that I like his overarching arc with the Three Gorma Stooges, especially one where it's revealed that the reason he bothered so much was because it reminded him of his young self, especially when the other rangers thinks he's just wasting his time, it does show dedication underneath that rough dude with attitude outlook. As of power, yeah, Gravity/Weight control is nice. I realize that Shouji rarely got into people's Top 10 blue lists, and I'm a sucker for underdogs so... yeah, Shouji really is one underrated guy who deserves his place at 8th.
7. Akira (Blue Mask)
Aah, Akira, one of the Blue warriors that got in my childhood. Always full of energy, wacky, but can be serious at times. It's always good to fight for his mother and his cockiness at times shines when he adds up in teasing. He's got quite the big spotlight after Takeru in Maskman, but when he does, sometimes it gets REALLY dramatic like the Unas saga, when he's possessed and proceeds to kick the rest of the Maskman's asses. 'Twas a scary thought, but this does has a depth in him, which was... unfortunately not so touched after it's revealed. So a combo of funny, short smartass and some dangerous stuffs gives Akira a spot in the 7th place.
6. Nanami Nono (Hurricane Blue)

For the most part, I thought she was overhyped. But once I finished Hurricaneger, I can safely and confidently say... Nanami LIVED UP to that hype of hers. Her 'idiocy' comes up in some innocence and cheeriness that it does balance out from Yousuke's hyper determinator idiocy and Kouta's straight man. The voice delivery really gets into the cheerful part which adds up to her fun, which includes some really funny awesome moments like that one time, after constantly mistaking combat commentaries into food commentaries (complete with 'down' and 'up' montage), into punching a cockpit window after waving 'Hi!'... just to draw scribbles on the face. Of course, behind that are also two things: an unbridled anger when she's pushed way too hard as Furabijou found out (you don't mess with a girl who always wanted a fellow female friend, b****!), and an equally tender heart which does make her cry when things really go to south, like in the finale when she started losing nearly every of her friends. Buut back to cheeriness, I'd say that Nanami completely lived up to my expectation so I give her... #6.
5. Youhei Hama (Blue Turbo)

So yeah you may be asking what the heck is an old school guy being here. Was it because he's my blue rep in my fanfic? Well, in the first glance, you can say that. However, the one thing I'd say that Youhei could've been one of my favorite Turborangers is that for a comic relief guy, he seems to have a lot of pasts sprayed here and there, like when he had his childhood friend move because of a Bouma residing in her house, or his favorite teacher leaving him. Even if he's the comic relief, getting into trouble here and there, I think if I wanna say who's the most tragic of all Turborangers, it would've been Youhei. Not only past losses, he also suffers present losses, like that one time he fell in love with a Bouma girl... and said girl got killed by Jarmin. It's just a pity that it's not him who offed Jarmin. But aside of that, he provided a lot of humors in Turboranger and keeps a cheery face despite his misfortune. That and I do also have nostalgia factors in Turboranger, therefore Youhei gets #5.
4. Joe Gibken (Gokai Blue)
Newest guy with real cool stuff. Joe really got a nice style in swords, and hey, I like swords better than guns. He usually fills in the 'cool guy' role very nicely with his overall cool, aloof attitude which is still different with Marvelous' brand of cool. And I bet he's pretty packed with all those push-ups and sit-ups in his spare time. His backstory did great to me, he symbolizes that there are just some limits good men in a bad company can do, as long as one has their goodness and not tossing them away, they always have a chance for redemption. Which then led to the backstory with Cid. It was quite the sad one that he ends up realizing he couldn't totally save him, but well he found an alternative and closure for it, and he went through it just fine. So for his overall badassery, swordplay despite the pretty boy look, I'd say Joe deserves to be at #4.
3. Saburou Aoyama (Goggle Blue)

And nostalgia hit in again. While he wasn't as much as sticking out like Miki and Kuroda, I'd say Aoyama is a good mix of humor and occasional badassery. He probably has one of the unorthodox weapons (a normal, non-bladed ring), but boy does he know how to use it. His growth as a fighter is a good thing to watch too, the first time he got into a solo fight, he was terribly owned, but around 20 episodes later, he is capable on owning the monster single-handedly. Admittedly, one of the favorite episodes involving him would've been the jetpack episode which also highlights his second desire aside of a hockey player, an inventor. His partnership with Kijima is pretty badass and fun to watch, in both efficiency, humor (mostly provided by Kijima, but he's still responsible) and the drama. And this being the first Sentai I watched EVER, Aoyama probably taught me how to like the color blue. So, without further ado, I'd say he's on the #3 spot... no matter what you say!
2. Ryuunosuke Ikenami (Shinken Blue)
TONOOOO!!! Yeah, who could forget that one hilarious yell. I'd say Ryuunosuke is also quite underrated. Sure, he starts out hyperactive annoying, but take a few episodes and you'll see that he lived up his placement as Takeru's second-in-command and he's just as capable as the rest of the Sentai, with some of his annoyingness toned down to make an admirable character. What was once an annoying type of funny becomes a genuine type of funny, and when he hams up the scene, he hams up nicely. His existence as a hammy hyperactive dude makes a good contrast to the to-the-point, serious Takeru. And when drama kicks in, he showed genuine anguish and even the usually loud and annoying scream can become something really heartwrenching as proven in some of the final episodes, which shows his conflicting loyalty in great detail. He can be dismissed as an annoying dude, but if you can get past that, Ryuunosuke is a dude that is really awesome and deserving #2.
1. Hoji Tomasu (Deka Blue)

And just like the rest of many of you guys, my #1 spot is for Hoji. I mean, what else can I say? He hits on nearly everything well. Badass, Development, Drama, Humor... you name it. Badass, as in his sheer determination and hard work that in a short time, he CAN master boxing and beat the crap out of an underground fighter on drugs while unmorphed. Humor due to his broken Engrish at times which can make things also look awesome, or his constant bickering with Ban, although that proves to be a point for his development later. Development due to his change from a jackass high and mighty perfectionist officer humbled with some failures and despite the bickering, eventually accepting Ban as his 'partner'. Drama for... well, the buttload of dramatic episodes that he carried on, from his friend turned evil, choosing law over love by killing his lover's criminal brother.... The one thing I can say 'pity' is that his partnership with Jasmine was only touched in the very end, I kinda ship those two. But... yeah, I think it's really safe to say that the #1 spot is unchanged from the previous one, it's still Hoji.
Super Cool. Perfect.
Welp, thus concludes my list so I hope you had a good time reading! Maybe Red or Yellow are next...